The first stop was to get juiced up with Red Bull and have a smoke before we headed out on our journey.
The time we started our epic adventure
Next stop was Caboolture I think, for a quick break stretch of the legs and the usual puff puff and drink drink. We saw a mad police car, and Deena thought we should take a photo of it ninja'ly
(I thought this picture turned out awesome)
Next stop Aussie World, I think it's like a more peasant Luna Park LOL
(a tad dark but you can kinda see)
This was a random wombat log thing we found around the corner and I got freaked out when it started to make noises....
I found this speciously looking tree, and Deena thought I'd be a good idea to do an awesome pose LOL.
Next stop Noosa, and i think this was stage 4, cause we named each place we stopped at a stage.
Stage 5, would be the Ginger Factory, quite random i must say
Deena trying to scare monsters away I think
Stage 6, would be Maccas, cause someone got hungry for nuggets *Looks at Deena*
So this adventure came about because my friend Tony, suggested we go to the big pineapple and take a photo as a souvenir for him, and the trip blew out of proportions and ended up being an epic one. After hours of driving, kind of getting lost, numerous stops we finally penetrated the pineapple. It was pitch darkness because there was no lights, and we kind of had to break in to take the photos. Thank god for the torch aunty Reena left in the car because Deena got scared.
Deena being grudge like scary =!
Stage 8 would be Kings beach, we arrived shortly after being pulled over by the police, Deena putting her puppy dog eyes on so we didn't get a fine for speeding LOL. We also saw a wild dingo leaving Kings Beach, where it made her day. She was so excited.
Deena's awesome penmanship in the sand and me trying to take a photo while she jumped and did the splits, it took soooooo long to capture this photo
And so our epic journey came to an end back at Caboolture on the other side of the motorway. It was an awesome night and I had so much fun, I'd like to thank Deena for taking me to these random places and it's an adventure so epic I'll be telling my grand kids about.
Strong trip.
lol strong trip strong chat strong smoke